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Digutal HDTV Grand Alliance mebers


High Definition Television


[Fujio 1] Takashi Fujio, High Definition Television. NHK Technical Monograph 32, June 1982.


[Hatori] 1125/60 HDTV studio standard intended to be a worldwide unified HDTV standard  Hatori, M.; Nakamura, Y.; Broadcasting, IEEE Transactions on Volume 35,  Issue 3,  Sept. 1989 Page(s):270 - 278


[Jurgen] Chasing Japan in the HDTV Race,  Jurgen, R.K.; Spectrum, IEEE Volume 26,  Issue 10,  Oct. 1989 Page(s):26 - 30


[Fujio 2] Japan is rowing a boat. . .to a new broadcast world. HDTV broadcasting creating a new image culture for the 21st century Fujio, T.; Broadcasting Convention, 1990. IBC 1990., International 21-25 Sep 1990 Page(s):412 - 416


Prologue – Competing Analog Approaches to Advanced Television and HDTV


Introduction to the Issue Dedicated to High Definition Television, Philip A. Rubin, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Volume BC-33 Issue 4,  Dec. 1987, Page(s): 89


Advanced Television Systems, E. William Henry, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Volume BC-33 Issue 4,  Dec. 1987, Page(s):90 – 92


Activities of the ATSC Technology Groups on Improved NTSC and Enhanced 525 Line Systems

Dan Wells, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Volume BC-33 Issue 4,  Dec. 1987, Page(s):93 – 96


Compatible High Definition Television Broadcast Systems, T. S. Rzeszewski ; M. Pazarci ; J. L. LoCicero, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Volume BC-33 Issue 4,  Dec. 1987, Page(s):97 – 106


High Definition Television Compatible Transmission System, William E. Glenn ; Karen G. Glenn, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Volume BC-33 Issue 4,  Dec. 1987, Page(s):107 – 115


Encoding for Compatibility and Recoverability in the ACTV System, M. A. Isnardi ; J. S. Fuhrer; T. R. Smith ; J. L. Koslov ; B. J. Roeder ; W. F. Wedam, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, BC-33 Issue 4, Dec 1987, Page(s):116 – 123


Hierarchical Evolution of High Definition Television, Arpad G. Toth ; Mikhail Tsinberg, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, BC-33 Issue 4, Dec 1987, Page(s):124 - 129


An HDTV Broadcasting System Utilizing a Bandwidth Compression Technique-MUSE

Yuichi Ninomiya ; Yoshimichi Ohtsuka ; Yoshinori Izumi ; Seiichi Gohshi ; Yuichi Iwadate, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, BC-33 Issue 4, Dec 1987, Page(s):130 - 160


High Definition NTSC Broadcast Protocol, Richard J. Iredale, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, BC-33 Issue 4, Dec 1987, Page(s):161 – 169


HDB-MAC A New Proposal for High Definition TV Transmission, Keith Lucas ; Bill Van Rassell, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, BC-33 Issue 4, Dec 1987, Page(s):170 – 183


HDTV Delivery to the Consumer Work of the Advanced Television Systems Committee, Ben Crutchfield, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, BC-33 Issue 4, Dec 1987, Page(s):184 – 187


[Jurgen 2] High-definition Television Update,  Jurgen, R.K.;  IEEE Spectrum, Volume 25,  Issue 4,  April 1988 Page(s):56 - 62


[Isnardi] Decoding issues in the ACTV system  Isnardi, M.A.; Smith, T.R.; Roeder, B.J.;  Consumer Electronics, IEEE Transactions on  Volume 34,  Issue 1,  Feb. 1988 Page(s):111 - 120


Advanced Compatible Television: A Progress Report, Isnardi, M, SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, Vol 98, July 1988


[Toth] Hierarchical NTSC compatible HDTV system architecture-a North American perspective Toth, A.G.; Tsinberg, M.; Rhodes, C.W.;  Broadcasting Convention, 1988. IBC 1988., International  23-27 Sep 1988 Page(s):30 - 33


[Rypkema] “Spectrum and interference issues in ATV” Rypkema, J.N.; IEEE Transactions on  Consumer Electronics, Volume 35,  Issue 3,  Aug 1989 Page(s):170 - 177


[Cavallerano] System and technological details of terrestrial/cable NTSC compatible HDTV  Cavallerano, A.P.; IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Volume 35,  Issue 3,  Aug 1989 Page(s):227 - 238


[Hopkins 1] Development of HDTV emission systems in North America Hopkins, R.; Davies, K.P.; IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Volume 35,  Issue 3,  Sept. 1989 Page(s):259 - 269


[Henderson] HDTV-what's going on?  Henderson, J.G.N.; IEEE Potentials, Volume 8,  Issue 4,  Dec. 1989 Page(s):18 - 21


[Ellis]   R. J. G. Ellis, The PALplus Story, Architects´ Publishing Partnership Ltd. (1997),  ISBN 1/898340/36/6




[DC01] DigiCipher Precertification Description, General Instrument submission to Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Services, 1991


[DC02] DigiCipher System Description, General Instrument submission to Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Services, July 26, 1991


[Paik] DigiCipher-all digital, channel compatible, HDTV broadcast system, Paik, W.; Broadcasting, IEEE Transactions on Volume 36,  Issue 4,  Dec. 1990 Page(s):245 - 254


[Krauss] Source coding, channel coding and modulation techniques used in the DigiCipher system, Krauss, J.A.; Broadcasting, IEEE Transactions on  Volume 37,  Issue 4,  Dec. 1991 Page(s):158 - 161


[Paik 2] Field testing DigiCipher HDTV in Los Angeles Paik, W.H.; Lery, S.A.;, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Volume 38,  Issue 4,  Dec. 1992 Page(s):219 - 223


Advanced Digital HDTV (AD-HDTV) – Advanced Television Research Consortium (ATRC)


[ATRC01] Advanced Digital HDTV Precertification Description, ATRC submission to Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Services, Feb. 27, 1991


[ATRC02] ADTV Certification Presentation to ACATS SS-WP1, Jan. 30, 1992


[ATRC03] Advanced Digital HDTV System Description, Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Services, May 14, 1992


[Reitmeier] Source coding, channel coding and modulation techniques used in the ADTV system, Reitmeier, G.A.; Basile, C.; Keneman, S.A.; , IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Volume 37,  Issue 4,  Dec. 1991 Page(s):166 - 169


[Saint Girons] The digital simulcast AD-HDTV coding system  Saint Girons, R.; Ho, Y.-S.; Savatier, T.; Zdepski, J.; Challapali, K.;  IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics,  Volume 38,  Issue 4,  Nov. 1992 Page(s):778 - 783


[Joseph] Prioritization and transport in the ADTV digital simulcast system Joseph, K.; Ng, S.-B.; Siracusa, R.; Raychaudhuri, D.; Zdepski, J.; Saint Girons, R.; IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Volume 38,  Issue 3,  Aug 1992 Page(s):319 - 324

Summary: A technical overview of the prioritization and transport in the advanced digital television system (ADTV) is provided. ADTV incorporates an efficient MPEG-compatible compression algorithm at its central core, with application-specific data prioritiza.....


[Siracusa] Flexible and Robust Packet Transport for Digital HDTV, Siracusa, R.J.; Joseph, K.; Zdepski, J.; Raychaudhuri, D.; IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Volume 11,  Issue 1,  Jan. 1993 Page(s):88 - 98


[Saint Girons] MPEG++ - a robust compression and transport system for digital HDTV, Saint Girons, R.; Savatier, T.; Ng, S.; Raychaudhuri, D.; Siracusa, R.; Zdepski, J.; Circuits and Systems, 1992. ISCAS '92. Proceedings., 1992 IEEE International Symposium on Volume 1,  3-6 May 1992 Page(s):459 - 462 vol.1


[Hulyakar] Advanced digital HDTV transmission system for terrestrial video simulcasting, Hulyalkar, S.N.; Ho, Y.-S.; Challapali, K.S.; Bryan, D.A.; Basile, C.; White, H.; Wilson, N.D.; Bhatt, B.; IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Volume 11,  Issue 1,  Jan. 1993 Page(s):119 - 126


B.W. Beyers , “Digital Television: Opportunities for Change”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 38 Number 1, Feb. 1992


Y. Wu et al, “Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex: A Multi-Carrier Modulation Scheme”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 41 Number 3, Aug. 1995


G. Reitmeier , “The U.S. Digital television Standard and Its Impact on VLSI,”, Journal of VLSI SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS for Signal, Image and Video Technology, Vol. 17, Numbers 2/3, Nov. 1997



Digital Spectrum Compatible HDTV – Zenith and AT&T


Digital Spectrum Compatible HDTV Precertification Description, Zenith and AT&T submission to Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Services, Feb 22, 1991


Digital Spectrum Compatible HDTV System Description, Zenith and AT&T Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Services, 1991


[Citta] The digital spectrum-compatible HDTV transmission system  Citta, R.; Fockens, P.; Lee, R.; Rypkema, J.;  IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Volume 37,  Issue 3,  Aug 1991 Page(s):469 - 475


[Luplow] Source coding, channel coding and modulation techniques used in the digital spectrum-compatible HDTV system  Luplow, W.C.; Fockens, P.;  , IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting  Volume 37,  Issue 4,  Dec. 1991 Page(s):162 - 165


Channel-Compatible DigiCipher – MIT and General Instrument


[GI-MIT] ATVA-Progressive Precertification Description, General Instrument and MIT submission to Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Services, Feb. 1991


[GI-MIT] Channel Compatible Digicipher System Description, General Instrument and MIT submission to Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Services, May 14, 1992


[Lim]  Channel-compatible Digicipher HDTV System  Jae Lim; Monta, P.; Nicolas, J.; Apostolopoulos, J.; Shiufun Cheung; Woo Paik; Krause, E.; Liu, V.;  Consumer Electronics, 1992. Digest of Technical Papers. ICCE., IEEE 1992 International Conference on  2-4 June 1992 Page(s):140 - 141


Digital System Comparisons


[Zou] Comparison of proposed digital HDTV terrestrial broadcasting systems
Zou, W.Y.; IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Volume 37,  Issue 4,  Dec. 1991 Page(s):145 - 147


[Kohn] Modulation for terrestrial broadcasting of digital HDTV  Kohn, E.S.; IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Volume 37,  Issue 4,  Dec. 1991 Page(s):141 - 144


[Beakley] Channel coding for digital HDTV terrestrial broadcasting  Beakley, G.W.; IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Volume 37,  Issue 4,  Dec. 1991 Page(s):137 - 140


H.N. Miller, “A Market Perspective on the HDTV Interoperability Standards Question”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 38 Number 1, Feb. 1992


[Hopkins 1993] Hopkins, Robert, “Progress on HDTV Broadcasting Standards in the United States,” Advanced Television Systems Committee, Washington, D.C., December 1993.


[Hopkins 1994] Hopkins, Robert, “Choosing an American Digital HDTV Terrestrial Broadcasting System,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 82, No. 4, pp. 554-563, April 1994.


R. Hopkins, “Digital Terrestrial HDTV for North America: The Grand Alliance HDTV System”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 40 Number 3, Aug. 1994


System Testing and Evaluation


[Rhodes] Testing of Proposed ATV Systems  Rhodes, C.W.;  Consumer Electronics, 1990. ICCE 90. IEEE 1990 International Conference on  June 6-8, 1990 Page(s):74 - 74


[Caron] Facility for subjective evaluation of advanced television in North America  Caron, B.; Fourth International Conference on Television Measurements, 1991., 20-21 Jun 1991 Page(s):6 - 12


Sgrignoli, Gary,  "Field Test Results of the ATSC VSB Transmission System", '96 International Workshop on HDTV,  1996


FCC Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Service (ACATS)


P.A. Rubin, "Federal Communications Commission ATV System Recommendation by the FCC's Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Service",  IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting ( Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Mar 1993)


The Grand Alliance HDTV System



Advanced Television Systems Committee Standard (ATSC)


Standards Documentation Update from ATSC, Hopkins, R., National Association of Broadcasters Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, April 9, 1995


A/53 ATSC Digital Television Standard, Advanced Television Systems Committee, Sept. 16, 1995


A/54 Guide to the Use of the ATSC Digital Television Standard, Advanced Television Systems Committee, Oct. 4, 1995


A/54 Guide to the Use of the ATSC Digital Television Standard, Advanced Television Systems Committee, Oct. 4, 1995


Wu, Yiyan. ”Perfromance Comparison of atsc 8- VSB and DVB-T COFDM transmission systems for Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting”  IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 3, AUGUST 1999 .


Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Global Digital Television, Vol 94, Issue 1, Jan. 2006


Special Issue on Global Digital Television: Technology and Emerging Services, Yiyan Wu ; Shuki Hirakawa ; Hisakazu Katoh ; Ulrich H. Reimers ; Jerry Whitaker, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Global Digital Television, Vol 94, Issue 1, Jan. 2006, Page(s): 5 – 7


Overview of Digital Television Development Worldwide, Y. Wu ; S. Hirakawa ; U. H. Reimers ; J. Whitaker, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Global Digital Television, Vol 94, Issue 1, Jan. 2006, Page(s):8 - 21


The ATSC Digital Television System, Richer, M; Reitmeier, G; Gurley, T; Jones, G.; Whitaker. J; Rast, R;  Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Global Digital Television, Vol 94, Issue 1, Jan. 2006


Digital Television Station and Network Implementation, G. A. Jones ; J. M. Defilippis ; H. Hoffmann ; E. A. Williams, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Global Digital Television, Vol 94, Issue 1, Jan. 2006, Page(s):22 – 36


ATSC RF, Modulation, and Transmission, W. Bretl ; W. R. Meintel ; G. Sgrignoli ; Xianbin Wang ; S. M. Weiss ; K. Salehian

Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Global Digital Television, Vol 94, Issue 1, Jan. 2006, Page(s):44 – 59


ATSC Video and Audio Coding, G. A. Davidson ; M. A. Isnardi ; L. D. Fielder ; M. S. Goldman; C. C. Todd, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Global Digital Television, Vol 94, Issue 1, Jan. 2006, Page(s):60 - 76


The ATSC Transport Layer, Including Program and System Information Protocol (PSIP), B. J. Lechner ; R. Chernock ; M. K. Eyer ; A. Goldberg ; M. S. Goldman, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Global Digital Television, Vol 94, Issue 1, Jan. 2006, Page(s):77 – 101


ATSC DTV Receiver Implementation, J. G. N. Henderson ; W. E. Bretl ; M. S. Deiss ; A. Goldberg ; B. Markwalter ; M. Muterspaugh ; A. Touzni , Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Global Digital Television, Vol 94, Issue 1, Jan. 2006, Page(s):119 – 147


Carriage of Digital Video and Other Services by Cable in North America, P. J. Hearty, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Global Digital Television, Vol 94, Issue 1, Jan. 2006, Page(s):148 – 157


Satellite Direct-to-Home, S. P. Dulac ; J. P. Godwin, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Global Digital Television, Vol 94, Issue 1, Jan. 2006, Page(s):158 - 172





[For a comparative perspective] "Color Television - The Business of Colorcasting", Howard W. Coleman, Editor; 1968, Communication Arts Books, Hastings House Publishers, New York


Countdown to the end [digital TV], L. Claudy, IEEE Spectrum, Vol 42, Issue 10, Oct 2005, Page(s):30 – 31

 [Bell] The HDTV `test kitchens', Bell, T.E.;  IEEE Spectrum, Volume 32,  Issue 4,  April 1995 Page(s):46 - 49


Facility for subjective evaluation of advanced television in North America: Testing Update from the ATTC, Fannon, P., National Association of Broadcasters Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, April 9, 1995


Record of Test Results - Grand Alliance HDTV System, Advanced Television Test Center, 1992


A. Chopra et al, “The HDTV Broadcast Standard: Subjective Evaluation of Proponent Systems, SMPTE Journal, July 1998


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